Sunday, April 6, 2014

Renovation Update

Steven Hobbs's photo.Work continues on the house.  The air conditioner is in.  The hallway has been demolished, wiring updated for new fixtures.  New service panel is in on the back of the house so we are upgraded from a 50 amp service to a 200 amp service.  This is the current state of the laundry room (right) and hallway (below).  David will focus on closing in the hallway so we can run the a/c without cooling the whole state of Arizona.  Right now, the hallway is open to the roof.  The old furnace was removed from it's closet, so when we get to the master bedroom, that space will be incorporated into our closet, doubling our closet space.  As he works on the hallway, David will also finish off the laundry/pantry so the appliances can be finally placed in their spots and I will have somewhere to move the kitchen stuff so he can tackle the kitchen after his next break
Steven Hobbs's photo.


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