Sunday, April 19, 2015

More chickens!

Well, I went to Tractor Supply for cat food and they had a new shipment of chicks in.  Got home and called Cowboy at work and told him.  He told me to go back and buy a couple of RI reds as that's what he wanted.  The minimum purchase was 6 chicks.  So now I have a total of 14 chicks.  I wanted a total of 6 chickens.  Oops.  Hoping my girlfriend still wants to add to her flock.  The top photo is 4 of the new babies.  The second shows two of them with the older ones.  The bigger ones are getting good wing feathers and have some tail feathers coming in.  They seem to be integrating well.

Saturday, April 18, 2015


I finally have chickens!  I have wanted some since I was little.  I picked out 8 at Tractor Supply on Monday and brought them home and set up their new home.  The first picture is them on Monday.  The second picture was taken today.  I can see how much they have grown.  The bigger ones have grown in their wing feathers and I am starting to see some tail feathers.  They all seem to get along just fine.  They walk all over each other or under each other.  And toss the bedding into the water.  And sleep in the feeder.

The coop was delivered yesterday, but was damaged, so I had to call Tractor Supply.  They will have the closest TS store come pick up the damaged coop and will ship me out a new one.  So I have to wait another 5-7 days.  The guys were all ready to assemble it yesterday afternoon.  Oh well,  It will be a few more weeks before they are big enough to be put outside.